
News Express | YC Solar was Successfully Recognized as a High-tech Enterprise and Selected as the Hebei Provincial Technology Innovation Center

Nov. 20, 2023

News Flash | YC Solar was Successfully Recognized as a High-tech Enterprise and Selected as the Hebei Provincial Technology Innovation Center

Lead in

Recently, the Office of the National High-tech Enterprise Recognition and Management Leading Group Office announced the "Second Batch of 1,092 High-tech Enterprises List for Certification and Registration by Hebei Provincial Recognition Institutions in 2023". Yingchen New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. passed the relevant departments to the relevant provisions of the "Recognition Management Measures" and the "Guidelines for the Management of High-tech Enterprise Recognition", the company was successfully recognized as a "high-tech enterprise". In addition, Yingchen New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. was selected into the "List of Provincial Technology Innovation Centers to be Created in 2023" by the Hebei Provincial Department of Science and Technology in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Hebei Provincial Technology Innovation Center Construction and Operation Management Measures".

It is understood that the country is currently increasing policy support for technology-based enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, to effectively promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation, cultivate new forces that create new technologies, new business formats and provide new supplies, and continue to promote economic upgrading and development. In addition, the Technology Innovation Center is an important part of the provincial science and technology innovation platform system. Its main tasks are to carry out key core technology research and development and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, cultivate professional and technical talents, implement technology diffusion and services, create an enterprise innovation ecosystem, and promote enterprises to become technological innovation subject.

News Flash | YC Solar was Successfully Recognized as a High-tech Enterprise and Selected as the Hebei Provincial Technology Innovation Center

News Flash | YC Solar was Successfully Recognized as a High-tech Enterprise and Selected as the Hebei Provincial Technology Innovation Center

This recognition and selection marks another milestone achieved by YC Solar, Yingli on the road of innovation. YC Solar, Yingli has always obtained multiple certifications in terms of technology research and development and quality assurance system, and continues to conduct research and development and transformation of technological achievements to form a core independent intellectual property rights.

"Breakthrough of Ingenuity"

- Innovation is the first driving force -

Relying on Yingli Group's profound scientific and technological platform foundation and cultural heritage, YC Solar owns the "National Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic Materials and Cells", the "National Energy Photovoltaic Technology Key Laboratory", the "Nationally Recognized Enterprise Technology Center" and the "National Center for International Research”. Currently, Yingli Group has applied for 2,665 patents, presided over and participated in the compilation of 110 international and national industry standards, 13 PCT international patents, and more than 50 think tank reports.

News Flash | YC Solar was Successfully Recognized as a High-tech Enterprise and Selected as the Hebei Provincial Technology Innovation Center

YC Solar has integrated Yingli Group's 30 years of advanced photovoltaic production experience and technology, and has domestically innovative application of gigawatt-level intelligent production lines. It has established two major production bases in Baoding, Hebei and Hanzhong, Shaanxi, integrating AGV intelligent material handling, AI smart visual identification, MES and WMS, which truly realize the use of digital intelligence, blockchain and other technologies. It is currently a photovoltaic manufacturing production line with a high level of intelligence in China. At present, the company can produce single and dual glass modules and photovoltaic green building materials products that are compatible with various process cells. There are more than 70 compatible product types, which can meet the application needs of customers in a variety of scenarios. The business scope covers Germany, the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Middle East and other countries and regions.

News Flash | YC Solar was Successfully Recognized as a High-tech Enterprise and Selected as the Hebei Provincial Technology Innovation Center

In addition, YC Solar relies on its professional technical team and cooperates with national-level R&D and innovation platforms to introduce industry-leading technologies with high standards, integrating low-temperature water-free lossless slicing, large-size silicon wafers, MBB multi-slices, and dual-glass, double-sided power generation technology, micro-pitch welding and special-shaped welding ribbons. Theses advanced technologies in six major industrie ensure the efficiency, performance, and reliability of products.

News Flash | YC Solar was Successfully Recognized as a High-tech Enterprise and Selected as the Hebei Provincial Technology Innovation Center

"Striving for Excellence"

- Development is the first priority -

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China stated that "high-quality development has become the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way." General Secretary Xi Jinping also emphasized that "China is committed to quality improvement actions, improves quality standards, strengthens comprehensive quality management, promotes quality reforms, Efficiency changes and power changes will promote high-quality development.”

As a practitioner and promoter of the "dual carbon" strategy, YC Solar has always practiced the concept of sustainable development since its establishment, relying on gigawatt-level high-capacity production lines and advanced technologies such as industrial Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence,etc. making comprehensive efforts in product R&D, production line construction, quality inspection and quality control, O&M services, etc., laying out the "3+4" quality strategic system, and establishing an intelligent and smart quality assurance system.

News Flash | YC Solar was Successfully Recognized as a High-tech Enterprise and Selected as the Hebei Provincial Technology Innovation Center

Through standard innovation, YC Solar promotes the promotion and application of new processes, new methods, new materials, etc., thereby improving product quality, improving enterprise quality and efficiency, and assisting the high-quality development of the photovoltaic industry. Yingli New Energy will also continue to use quality strategies. As the foundation, build a new ecological product and service system to deliver higher quality products and safety services to users.

"The Gathering of Talents"

- Talent is the first resource -

Craftsman culture cultivates intelligent craftsmen, and the soul of craftsmen condenses the power of reform and innovation. YC Solar was successfully selected as the provincial technology innovation center to be built in 2023 by virtue of the "Hebei Province Photovoltaic Module New Materials and Retired Module Resource Utilization Technology Innovation Center". This is also due to the concerted efforts of the team of YC Solar to strive for excellence in the field of workshop manufacturing. Pursue excellence, always adhere to the "craftsman spirit", stick to the manufacturing front line, business front line, and administrative front line, adhere to collaboration and linkage, devote yourself to work with a positive attitude, continue to produce innovative results, and continue to promote YC Solar 's centripetal force and cohesion.

News Flash | YC Solar was Successfully Recognized as a High-tech Enterprise and Selected as the Hebei Provincial Technology Innovation Center

YC Solar has been actively deepening school-enterprise cooperation with various universities, jointly promoting the coordinated development of industry, academia and research, further promoting the integration of industry and education, science and education, adhering to the purpose of resource sharing, complementary advantages and common development, and achieving common development through multi-party linkage. Win, continue to deepen school-enterprise cooperation, continuously expand cooperation space, strive to build Yingchen production base into a collaborative innovation platform for industry, academia, research and application with great influence in the province and even the country, promote the construction of talent teams, and strive to Help achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality and make new and greater contributions.

News Flash | YC Solar was Successfully Recognized as a High-tech Enterprise and Selected as the Hebei Provincial Technology Innovation Center

In the future, YC Solar will continue to give full play to the advantages of digitally intelligent production lines and high-quality products, deeply tap new potential and new momentum for high-quality development, take quality as the cornerstone, promote innovation with ingenuity, and continue to achieve a zero-carbon future empowerment.

Contact Us

Yingchen Technology:


Tel.: +86 400 666 7111

Address: Changgucheng Industrial Park, Tang County, Baoding City, Hebei Province

Hotline: 0312-7510213

Address: No. 56 Hengyuan West Road, National High tech Zone, Baoding City, China Room 1606, B-3 Office Building, Beibu Gulf Science and Technology Park Headquarters Base

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